
# loading libraries --

Checking if we can scrape the page

Check the page’s terms of service first, and then verify with {robotstxt}

Event: on_not_foundEvent: on_file_type_mismatchEvent: on_suspect_content

# robots.txt overwrite by: on_suspect_content

User-agent: *
Allow: /



[1] 404

[1] "text/html; charset=utf-8"


[1] TRUE


problems, cached, request, class

Getting the html

Good to check if you can do it in one page, and then if it works, scale.

html_1 <- read_html("")

Extracting information from tags

# event title --
title_1 <- html_1 %>%
  html_nodes(".session__name") %>%
  html_text() # specifies what format we want

# double check if the information you want was saved --
 [1] "Maintaining the house the tidyverse built - Session 1"                                                        
 [2] "Q&A: Hadley Wickham - Session 1"                                                                              
 [3] "Accessible Data Science Beyond Visual Models: Non-Visual Interactions with R and RStudio Packages - Session 1"
 [4] "Always look on the bright side of plots - Session 1"                                                          
 [5] "Bringing the Tidyverse to Python with Siuba - Session 1"                                                      
 [6] "A New Paradigm for Multifigure, Coordinate-Based Plotting in R - Session 1"                                   
 [7] "R & Python: Going Steady - Session 1"                                                                         
 [8] "Starting an R Book Club: Cooking Up Friendships in Isolation - Session 1"                                     
 [9] "Discussion: Learning 1 - Session 1"                                                                           
[10] "Discussion: Visualisation 1 - Session 1"                                                                      
[11] "Discussion: Language interop 1 - Session 1"                                                                   
[12] "Art Lessons: One Year as RStudio’s Artist-in-Residence - Session 1"                                           
[13] "Using pins with Python and JavaScript - Session 1"                                                            
[14] "Trial and Error in Data Viz at the ACLU - Session 1"                                                          
[15] "Racial Equity Dashboard: Unpacking Systemic Inequity - Session 1"                                             
[16] "The dynamic duo: SQL & R - Session 1"                                                                         
[17] "Aesthetically automated figure production - Session 1"                                                        
[18] "Your R is My R too:  Reflections on creating the Mi-R community - Session 1"                                  
[19] "An easy and friendly way to build your multilingual website - Session 1"                                      
[20] "Making .pot-ery with R: Translations in R Packages - Session 1"                                               
[21] "Discussion: Visualisation 2 - Session 1"                                                                      
[22] "Discussion: Language interop 2 - Session 1"                                                                   
[23] "Discussion: Learning 2 - Session 1"                                                                           
[24] "Reporting on and visualising the pandemic - Session 1"                                                        
# dates --
datetime_1 <- html_1 %>%
  html_nodes(".session__dates.session__dates--index") %>%

 [1] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM to 11:33 AM EST"
 [2] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at 11:33 AM to 12:18 PM EST"
 [3] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:00 PM to 1:19 PM EST" 
 [4] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:00 PM to 1:21 PM EST" 
 [5] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:00 PM to 1:20 PM EST" 
 [6] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:19 PM to 1:33 PM EST" 
 [7] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:19 PM to 1:34 PM EST" 
 [8] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:21 PM to 1:28 PM EST" 
 [9] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:29 PM to 1:59 PM EST" 
[10] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:33 PM to 1:59 PM EST" 
[11] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  1:34 PM to 1:59 PM EST" 
[12] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:00 PM to 2:19 PM EST" 
[13] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:00 PM to 2:19 PM EST" 
[14] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:00 PM to 2:16 PM EST" 
[15] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:16 PM to 2:20 PM EST" 
[16] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:19 PM to 2:36 PM EST" 
[17] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:19 PM to 2:39 PM EST" 
[18] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:20 PM to 2:24 PM EST" 
[19] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:25 PM to 2:30 PM EST" 
[20] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:30 PM to 2:34 PM EST" 
[21] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:35 PM to 2:59 PM EST" 
[22] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:37 PM to 2:59 PM EST" 
[23] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  2:38 PM to 2:58 PM EST" 
[24] "Thursday, Jan 21, 2021 at  3:00 PM to 3:50 PM EST" 

Creating scraping functions

# scraping event titles --
get_titles <- name <- function(page_number) {
  link <- paste0("", page_number)
  read_html(link) %>%
  html_nodes(".session__name") %>%

# scraping event dates and times --
get_dates <- name <- function(page_number) {
  link <- paste0("", page_number)
  read_html(link) %>%
  html_nodes(".session__dates.session__dates--index") %>%

Testing the function

 [1] "Discussion: Modelling 2 - Session 1"                                                                    
 [2] "Your Public Garden - Session 1"                                                                         
 [3] "Q&A: Vicki Boykis - Session 1"                                                                          
 [4] "Introducing xrprof: A New Way to Profile R - Session 1"                                                 
 [5] "The Opioid Files: Turning big pharmacy data over to the public - Session 1"                             
 [6] "Not The App We Deserve. The App We Need: Putting a GMP Shiny App into Production - Session 1"           
 [7] "plumber + future: Async Web APIs - Session 1"                                                           
 [8] "rKenyaCensus Package - Session 1"                                                                       
 [9] "How we made the switch: a case study on automating a complex report. - Session 1"                       
[10] "Making Shiny apps faster with caching - Session 1"                                                      
[11] "Discussion: Data for good 1 - Session 1"                                                                
[12] "Discussion: Programming 1 - Session 1"                                                                  
[13] "Discussion: Organisational tooling 1 - Session 1"                                                       
[14] "Humanitarian Data Science with R - Session 1"                                                           
[15] "Bigger Data With Ease Using Apache Arrow - Session 1"                                                   
[16] "From Zero to Hero: Best practices for setting up Rstudio Team in the Cloud - Session 1"                 
[17] "How reproducible am I? A retrospective on a year of commercial data science projects in R - Session 1"  
[18] "Cognitive speed: How the Tidyverse helped the British Red Cross respond quickly to COVID-19 - Session 1"
[19] "Easy larger-than-RAM data manipulation with {disk.frame} - Session 1"                                   
[20] "Lifelong Learning with R Weekly - Session 1"                                                            
[21] "xaringan Playground: Using xaringan to learn web development - Session 1"                               
[22] "Custom theming in Shiny & R Markdown with bslib & thematic - Session 1"                                 
[23] "parsermd - parsing R Markdown for fun and profit - Session 1"                                           
[24] "How Content Makes the Data Go 'Round - Session 1"                                                       

Iterating with the function

This step will try out the get_titles() function on pages 2, 3, 4

map(2:4, get_titles)
 [1] "Q&A: John Burn-Murdoch - Session 1"                                                                                   
 [2] "oRganization: How to make internal R packages part of your team - Session 1"                                          
 [3] "Making the jump from learning to applying: R training and documentation for different levels of expertise - Session 1"
 [4] "What's new in tidymodels? - Session 1"                                                                                
 [5] "Using R to Up Your Experimentation Game - Session 1"                                                                  
 [6] "You're Already Ready: Zen and the Art of R Package Development - Session 1"                                           
 [7] "On programming, teaching, and building interactive tutorials with learnr:: - Session 1"                               
 [8] "Discussion: Modelling 1 - Session 1"                                                                                  
 [9] "Discussion: Package dev 1 - Session 1"                                                                                
[10] "Discussion: Teaching 1 - Session 1"                                                                                   
[11] "Fairness and Data Science: Failures, Factors, and Futures - Session 1"                                                
[12] "Monitoring health and impact of open-source projects - Session 1"                                                     
[13] "Feedback at scale - Session 1"                                                                                        
[14] "Make a package - Make some friends - Session 1"                                                                       
[15] "How to do things with words: learning to program in R with a \"communicative approach\" - Session 1"                  
[16] "tidymodels/stacks, Or, In Preparation for Pesto: A Grammar for Stacked Ensemble Modeling - Session 1"                 
[17] "Using formr to create R-powered surveys with individualized feedback - Session 1"                                     
[18] "Using Guided Simulation Exercises to Teach Data Science with R - Session 1"                                           
[19] "Towards an integrated {verse}: lessons learned developing a library of validated packages - Session 1"                
[20] "How I became a Data Composer – examples of simulated datasets that bring value to a data-driven company - Session 1"  
[21] "The Power of Great Datasets - Session 1"                                                                              
[22] "Discussion: Teaching 2 - Session 1"                                                                                   
[23] "Categorical Embeddings: New Ways to Simplify Complex Data - Session 1"                                                
[24] "Discussion: Package dev 2 - Session 1"                                                                                

 [1] "Discussion: Modelling 2 - Session 1"                                                                    
 [2] "Your Public Garden - Session 1"                                                                         
 [3] "Q&A: Vicki Boykis - Session 1"                                                                          
 [4] "Introducing xrprof: A New Way to Profile R - Session 1"                                                 
 [5] "The Opioid Files: Turning big pharmacy data over to the public - Session 1"                             
 [6] "Not The App We Deserve. The App We Need: Putting a GMP Shiny App into Production - Session 1"           
 [7] "plumber + future: Async Web APIs - Session 1"                                                           
 [8] "rKenyaCensus Package - Session 1"                                                                       
 [9] "How we made the switch: a case study on automating a complex report. - Session 1"                       
[10] "Making Shiny apps faster with caching - Session 1"                                                      
[11] "Discussion: Data for good 1 - Session 1"                                                                
[12] "Discussion: Programming 1 - Session 1"                                                                  
[13] "Discussion: Organisational tooling 1 - Session 1"                                                       
[14] "Humanitarian Data Science with R - Session 1"                                                           
[15] "Bigger Data With Ease Using Apache Arrow - Session 1"                                                   
[16] "From Zero to Hero: Best practices for setting up Rstudio Team in the Cloud - Session 1"                 
[17] "How reproducible am I? A retrospective on a year of commercial data science projects in R - Session 1"  
[18] "Cognitive speed: How the Tidyverse helped the British Red Cross respond quickly to COVID-19 - Session 1"
[19] "Easy larger-than-RAM data manipulation with {disk.frame} - Session 1"                                   
[20] "Lifelong Learning with R Weekly - Session 1"                                                            
[21] "xaringan Playground: Using xaringan to learn web development - Session 1"                               
[22] "Custom theming in Shiny & R Markdown with bslib & thematic - Session 1"                                 
[23] "parsermd - parsing R Markdown for fun and profit - Session 1"                                           
[24] "How Content Makes the Data Go 'Round - Session 1"                                                       

 [1] "Discussion: Data for good 2 - Session 1"                                                                      
 [2] "Designing Randomized Studies using Shiny - Session 1"                                                         
 [3] "Discussion: Organisational tooling 2 - Session 1"                                                             
 [4] "Discussion: Programming 2 - Session 1"                                                                        
 [5] "Maintaining the house the tidyverse built - Session 2"                                                        
 [6] "Q&A: Hadley Wickham - Session 2"                                                                              
 [7] "Accessible Data Science Beyond Visual Models: Non-Visual Interactions with R and RStudio Packages - Session 2"
 [8] "Always look on the bright side of plots - Session 2"                                                          
 [9] "Bringing the Tidyverse to Python with Siuba - Session 2"                                                      
[10] "A New Paradigm for Multifigure, Coordinate-Based Plotting in R - Session 2"                                   
[11] "R & Python: Going Steady - Session 2"                                                                         
[12] "Starting an R Book Club: Cooking Up Friendships in Isolation - Session 2"                                     
[13] "Discussion: Learning 1 - Session 2"                                                                           
[14] "Discussion: Visualisation 1 - Session 2"                                                                      
[15] "Discussion: Language interop 1 - Session 2"                                                                   
[16] "Art Lessons: One Year as RStudio’s Artist-in-Residence - Session 2"                                           
[17] "Using pins with Python and JavaScript - Session 2"                                                            
[18] "Trial and Error in Data Viz at the ACLU - Session 2"                                                          
[19] "Racial Equity Dashboard: Unpacking Systemic Inequity - Session 2"                                             
[20] "The dynamic duo: SQL & R - Session 2"                                                                         
[21] "Aesthetically automated figure production - Session 2"                                                        
[22] "Your R is My R too:  Reflections on creating the Mi-R community - Session 2"                                  
[23] "An easy and friendly way to build your multilingual website - Session 2"                                      
[24] "Making .pot-ery with R: Translations in R Packages - Session 2"                                               
# then check with the website to see if it matches

Scraping all the pages

# titles --
titles_all <- map(1:7, get_titles) %>%

# dates --
dates_all <- map(1:7, get_dates) %>%
# creating tibble from scrapes --
schedule <- 
  tibble(event_name = titles_all,
         date_time = dates_all)


Cleaning the date-time column

# defining string patterns --
str_at <- "\\s+at\\s+"
str_to <- "\\s+to\\s+"
str_EST <- " EST"
str_day <- "\\w+\\,\\s+"

# wrangling the date-time strings --
schedule_new_times <-
schedule %>%
  mutate(date = str_replace_all(date_time, pattern = str_to, "-"),
         date = str_replace_all(date, str_EST, "")) %>%
  tidyr::separate(date, sep = str_at, c("day_date", "time")) %>%
  mutate(date = str_replace(day_date, pattern = str_day, ""),
         date = lubridate::mdy(date, tz = "US/Eastern")) %>%
  mutate(date_time_new = str_c(date, time, sep = " ")) %>%
  tidyr::separate(time, sep = "-", c("start_time", "end_time"))

Parsing the date-time

# wrangling the dates and times --
schedule_new <-
schedule_new_times %>%
  mutate(start_datetime = str_c(date, start_time, sep = " "),
         end_datetime = str_c(date, end_time, sep = " ")) %>%
  mutate(across(c(start_datetime, end_datetime), 
                ~lubridate::ymd_hm(.x, tz = "US/Eastern"))) %>%
  select(-c(date_time, day_date, date_time_new))

# writing to CSV and RDS files --
          here("schedule-files", "schedule_new_EST.csv"))
        here("schedule-files", "schedule_new_EST.Rds"))

Select your timezone and convert to local time

timezone <- Sys.timezone()

schedule_new_timezone <- schedule_new %>%
  mutate(start_datetime = lubridate::with_tz(start_datetime, tzone = timezone),
         end_datetime = lubridate::with_tz(end_datetime, tzone = timezone))

# writing to CSV and RDS files --
          here("schedule-files", "schedule_new_localtz.csv"))
        here("schedule-files", "schedule_new_localtz.Rds"))

Creating an .ics object

# creating a function --
make_calendar <- function(event) {
  event_subset <- schedule_new_timezone[event, ]
  calendar_event <-
  calendar::ic_event(start_time = event_subset$start_datetime,
                     end_time = event_subset$end_datetime,
                     summary = event_subset$event_name)

number_events <- length(schedule_new_timezone$event_name)

# creating ics objects for all events --
events_all <- map(1:number_events, make_calendar) %>% 

# writing to .ics file --
                   here("calendar-files-ics", "all_events_localtime.ics"))

Saving as an R script


processing file: rstudio-global-2021-calendar.Rmd

  |                                                                  |   0%
  |..                                                                |   3%
  |.....                                                             |   7%
  |.......                                                           |  10%
  |.........                                                         |  14%
  |...........                                                       |  17%
  |..............                                                    |  21%
  |................                                                  |  24%
  |..................                                                |  28%
  |....................                                              |  31%
  |.......................                                           |  34%
  |.........................                                         |  38%
  |...........................                                       |  41%
  |..............................                                    |  45%
  |................................                                  |  48%
  |..................................                                |  52%
  |....................................                              |  55%
  |.......................................                           |  59%
  |.........................................                         |  62%
  |...........................................                       |  66%
  |..............................................                    |  69%
  |................................................                  |  72%
  |..................................................                |  76%
  |....................................................              |  79%
  |.......................................................           |  83%
  |.........................................................         |  86%
  |...........................................................       |  90%
  |.............................................................     |  93%
  |................................................................  |  97%
  |..................................................................| 100%
output file: rstudio-global-2021-calendar.R
[1] "rstudio-global-2021-calendar.R"