Cost Conversion Tool

A tool designed for the international useR!2021 conference that uses Purchasing Power Parity to adjust conference fees according to attendee country of residence

Silvia Canelón (University of Pennsylvania)
September 21, 2021

Conference fees are adapted to the country you reside in. The cost conversion was done according to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) provided by the World Bank. We want conference attendees from different parts of the world to be able to participate in useR! and believe that this is a fair approach. It also reflects the fact that the share of attendees from “High income” countries is higher and thus the price per person is different. The categories are listed in the table below.

You can read more about purchasing power parities, price level indexes, and PPP-based expenditures in the May 2020 World Bank post New results from the International Comparison Program shed light on the size of the global economy. and with the resources listed in the About page.

The Global Income Groups listed in the fee tables below were obtained using data from the 2017 International Comparison Program (ICP) which you can read more about in the report Purchasing Power Parities and the Size of World Economies: Results from the 2017 International Comparison Program. The conversion factors were calculated using PPP-based GDP per capita for each Global Income Group using data from the ICP 2017 World Bank Database.

Note: Fees for “Low income” countries have intentionally been waived by useR!, reflected by a fee of $0.

Early Bird Fees

Early Bird Conference Fees
Cost Conversions by Global Income Group (US$)
Global Income Group Conversion Factor Industry Academia Student
High income 1.00 $75 $50 $25
Upper middle income 0.34 $26 $17 $8
Lower middle income 0.14 $11 $7 $4
Low income 0.04 $0 $0 $0

Use the table below to search for your country and attendee status (i.e. Industry, Academia, Student). You can use the search bar, or filter according to a specific column.

Regular Fees

Regular Conference Fees
Cost Conversions by Global Income Group (US$)
Global Income Group Conversion Factor Industry Academia Student
High income 1.00 $100 $75 $50
Upper middle income 0.34 $34 $26 $17
Lower middle income 0.14 $14 $11 $7
Low income 0.04 $0 $0 $0

Use the table below to search for your country and attendee status (i.e. Industry, Academia, Student). You can use the search bar, or filter according to a specific column.


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Canelón (2021, Sept. 21). useR!2021 Cost Conversion Tool: Cost Conversion Tool. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Canelón, Silvia},
  title = {useR!2021 Cost Conversion Tool: Cost Conversion Tool},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}